Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chronicles of Narnia

Yesterday, I went and saw the chronicles of Narnia. I was blown away by it. It is one of the best illustrations of the struggles that we face against temptation and the reward that we receive when we succeed. You simply must see it. I loved it and cried in the end when thinking about heaven and the eternal joy that ensues when you die. I hope that you know that you too will see heaven.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Trip To Ikea

so Jimmy, Elsa, and I are going to Ikea today for the 4th time to get the same thing. Hopefully they have it and we get a sweet cherry icee out of it.

Monday, December 13, 2010


This past weekend my husband Adam graduated! i am so proud of him and want everyone to know that in my culinary endeavors there is no one that is as appreciative and encouraging as him. Congrats Adam!

Adventures in Baking

On this chilly day, the 13th of December, I relent to let you peek into the window of my successes and failures in the arena of cakes and crafts. I am not sure that anyone will even read my blog but if you do, laugh quietly at my failures and rejoice boisterously at my successes. I hope that you learn something from both and that you too will leap into something unknown in order to better yourself and the world around you.
